Calahonda Day celebration

On Saturday we celebrated Sitio de Calahonda Day. It was a total success and we wish to thank all the people that made it possible, to the companies: Avatel telecom, AZ abogados, Victor Mata abogados, Reciclados Mijas, Gestiones Bravo, Fisem, Crown Resort, Big Mat Moreno, Franjus, Intercala, to the bar Sweet Corner, Mijas Town Hall, La Siesta Golf Club and of course to all those attending and volunteers. Without your cooperation the party wouldn’t be possible. Thank You!

In the morning we had the Golf tournament. The players enjoyed a pleasant and sporty morning where the winners collected several prizes.

In the afternoon it was the children’s turn. As from 7 p.m. the park filled with little ones ready to have fun. The animation company Leixuryanimacion was in charge of doing the competitions. All the participants got sweets and the winners were awarded medals and presents. Later the adults took over dancing to the beat of the live music band Gea while the little ones jumped in the bouncy castle.