Contact us

Please, do not hesitate to contact us to make any query, suggestion, complaint, or to express your opinion. We are always happy to listen to our neighbors and to carry out the corresponding actions, if necessary. We do not use social networks, Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, for these matters, as we cannot guarantee that they will be read on time.

Keep in mind that we only deal with inquiries that have to do with Sitio de Calahonda and the areas contained in it. For any other area that is not the competence of the E.U.C. Calahonda site, you should contact the entity that manages it.

    Contact form

    Please provide some details about you:

    What area of Sitio de Calahonda are you enquiring about? (You can select more than one area. If it is a general question, then please mark the area where you are living/staying)

    What is the subject of your enquiry?

    How may we help you from the offices of the E.U.C. Sitio de Calahonda?

    Telephone assistance

    Tel. +34 952 932 040

    Opening hours

    All year round:
    Monday to Fridays from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.


    Calle Monte Paraíso, nº 6
    Urb. Sitio de Calahonda / 29649 Mijas-Costa
