Recommendations in Case of Illegal Occupation of housing

We are all concerned with the issue of housing occupation, although in our urbanisation we do not have many cases thanks to the security company who acts quickly by calling the Guardia Civil at the moment they detect something. Nonetheless, we believe that it is necessary that each owner provides their home with security measures to prevent these cases from occurring. To this effect, we recommend installing cameras in private properties as this enables the police to act immediately if someone enters your property and evict any person who has unduly gone in your property.


  • High-quality locks.
  • Reinforced door.
  • Anti-occupation alarms.
  • Install bars on windows and other access points.
  • Install a programmable lighting system.
  • Collect correspondence from the mailbox.
  • Do not publish your movements on social networks.

Neighbours are very useful when it comes to reporting, since they know who lives near them and if they observe any unusual movement, they can contact the Guardia Civil 952 47 40 30 or the security company 695 22 39 64. Do not be afraid to be wrong, a mistake is preferable to an occupation.