This year we have had some extra Christmas lights that the Town Hall lent us. Our staff went to collect them and installed them. As well as these lights, we put poinsettias on some lampposts, but unfortunately, we had a few very windy days and had to change them.
On the other hand, we have continued with some works on our streets, as for example calle Monteparaíso, where we have installed the lampposts on the new pavement and on the opposite side of the street by the community Triana del Campanario.
After widening the street on calle José de Orbaneja near calle Monteparaíso, we have painted the road markings and filled in the gullies. This last performance is explained in the previous article.
- Calle José de Orbaneja
- Calle José de Orbaneja
- Pintura cruce Monteparaiso con calle José de Orbaneja
- Pintura en calzada-calle José de Orbaneja