We have started the new year with several important works, we can not list them all
but some of them are detailed below:
Asphalt reparations - tunnel area of c/Huelva.
Parking and sidewalk(2nd phase) - c/Monteparaiso.
Rain water drainage - Av de los Jardines
Painting road traffic signs - Conde de Jordana esq Almería.
Adaptation of the garden refuse deposits - Almería and Conde Jordana streets.
Improvement of green area, crossing c/Encinas-Cipreses.
Apart from the above, each week we proceed to the cleaning of vials, emptying bins, maintenance of common gardens, etc ...
- 2fase Aparcamientos y acera Monteparaiso
- Arqueta rota-tapado provisonal
- 2fase Aparcamientos y acera Monteparaiso
- Pluviales Av Jardines
- Pluviales Av Jardines
- Pluviales J. orbaneja
- Zona verde Encinas-Cipreses
- Depósito broza Conde de Jordana
- Conde de Jordana esq Almería