The rains in November caused us some moments of concern as we were on red alert for heavy rainfall for a couple of days. Fortunately, there were no significant problems on our streets, as the amount of rain collected was not as high as expected, and also thanks to the measures taken regarding the cleaning of grates and drains in the streets.
In addition to the preventive work related to the rains, we want to inform you that our staff has carried out a significant number of actions, ensuring that priority needs are addressed:
1. In our urbanisation, there are countless manholes, with covers of all possible sizes and materials. Most of them are located in the streets and are susceptible to being broken by vehicles and sometimes by workers. Consequently, this leads to dangerous situations. The EUC tries to prevent this danger and is responsible for their signage and repair when it falls under our jurisdiction. When it does not, we notify the appropriate parties for them to repair.
2. Repair of the bus stop on Avda del Cortijo. This bus stop does not have a regular bus service and is actually a place to rest when walking in the area. It was in poor condition and has been repaired, and now its appearance has improved significantly.
3. As we mentioned in the introduction of this publication, the rains have not caused excessive problems, but they have resulted in a lot of cleaning work.
4. Asphalt repairs have also been carried out.
5. Other works:
- Reparación de valla zona verde / Repair of fence by green area
- Reparación puerta zona verde / Repair of gate by green area
- Reparación averia de agua / Water leak repair
- colocación de papelera / Bin placement