Some of the works carried out during the months of November and December have been related to the Christmas season. These have been cleaning duties, pruning, putting up Christmas decorations and attending to the maintenance of the common areas.
- Punto depósito broza con vertido. Garden rubbish deposit with illegal dumping
- Avda de los Jardines
- Reclamación Ayto vertido. More dumping. Claim to Town Hall.
- Mantenimiento del mirado en calle Cristóbal Colón. Maintenance of Viewpoint in calle Cristóbal ColónCristóbal Colón
- Plantando pascueros. Planting Poinsettias
- Pascueros en la rotonda. Poinsettias on the round-about
- Pascueros en farolas y luces de navidad. Poinsettias on lampposts and Christmas lighting