Prevention of burglaries in homes. General recommendations:

The residents, in any area, are the best security for that area. They know their neighbours and their cars, even if only by sight. So do not hesitate to notify the security company if you notice anything strange in nearby houses, in your street or in an apartment of your complex. If you see strange people observing the houses or you see suspicious looking people inside the properties or any strange situations, immediately call the security company Franjus, Tel 699907865.

With the good weather the holiday makers will arrive and with them come the thieves. That is why we must emphasize that we must provide ourselves with our own security measures. In their website the Guardia Civil offers tips to prevent theft and what to do if you have been robbed:

Below you can find a list of useful recommendations, it is important to know them and carry them out. If you implement these we can maintain and improve our security systems for the benefit of the whole urbanisation.

Prevention of burglaries in homes.

General recommendations:

Check that doors and windows are properly closed.

Always close the door using the key, not just with the slip, since this can be easily opened.
Install an armoured door in your home. If your door is not armoured, ensure that it has at least two closing points, and that there is no gap between the door and the floor.

Reinforce hinges with steel pivots and metal angles that prevent levering the door

Install wide-angle peepholes.

Look at the possibility of installing electronic alarm devices.

Never leave hidden keys in the mailbox, pots, electric meters, etc., since they can be easily found by thieves.

Do not leave the blinds completely closed, it is an obvious sign of absence.

Do not sleep with the windows open if you do not have security measures.

Leave clothes hanging if you are not going to be away for long.

Do not completely disconnect the electricity. The unplugged doorbell is an indication of absence.

Do not leave money, jewellery, or valuables at home. Photograph the jewellery and other valuable items.

Record the serial number of appliances, cameras, video cameras, and similar.

Do not comment on your absence or its duration with strangers, nor leave messages warning of the same on the answering machine.

During prolonged absences ask a neighbour/family member to help you by picking up your mail, checking the condition of the home, occasionally turning on a light, radio connection or TV, etc. Leave a phone number where you can be contacted in the event of an emergency.

Do not open the door on the intercom to strangers. It puts your security and that of your neighbours at risk.

Vendors, operators of the water, electricity and gas services are obliged to identify themselves and you can verify it by telephone.

Be very careful in your choice of domestic service employees, real estate agencies, etc. If these people have had access to the keys to the house, when they discontinue their services, change the door locks.

You must be particularly careful when closing the pedestrian access doors to your urbanisation. This simple act, avoids the entrance of outsiders.

In communal garage spaces, where the door closure is activated by means of
a timer, wait until it is closed to prevent anyone from taking advantage of it to enter.

In case of failure of any access, both pedestrian and vehicle, that may be a risk to your safety and that of your neighbours, inform the maintenance staff of your community immediately. It is important to solve this problem in the shortest time possible.

Do not make appointments at your home with strangers. Especially if the contact has been made by telephone, Internet, or any other means that facilitates anonymity.

Should you notice marks on the doors or entrances, or unusual noises in vacant houses, notify the security guards of the Urbanisation and in all cases phone 091 and notify the police.

Remember to take note of anything suspicious or suspicious vehicles.

If the property has been purchased from another owner, or if it is newly built and has
been open to other people, it is advisable to change the door locks.

Take note of the details vehicles and/or people that seem to prowl around your area.

It is advisable to have property and contents insurance at all times.

Recommendations in the event of a robbery:

Keep calm and do not enter the house or touch or move anything that could have
been touched by thieves.

Notify the security guards of the urbanisation or in all cases phone 091 and notify the police.

When reporting the robbery, present supporting documents of the stolen objects, such as invoices, photos, etc.

Request proof, from the police, of your submission of the report.

In the common areas

If you notice any part of the Urbanisation that by its characteristics or situation
may be dangerous to users, please inform the security service. They will pass on the information to those concerned, to be resolved as soon as possible.

In the event of robbery or any incidents related to your safety, contact the security service personnel. They will provide help in everything you need.

The security systems of your community, anti-intrusion, fire, emergency, etc., must be in an optimal condition of maintenance, to ensure their proper operation.

If you notice anything strange or suspicious in common areas, report it to the security guards.
Please use the parking areas for vehicles provided for this purpose. The obstruction
of traffic causes accidents.

Compliance with the regulations increase the security.