Processionary Caterpillar

In the month of October/November, the EUC treats the pines trees in the common areas of the urbanisation against the processionary caterpillar. This plague does not only affect the trees but is very harmful for people as they cause an allergic reaction and is also very dangerous for children and domestic animals. At the office we give owners the opportunity to treat their pine trees at the same price we get for the common areas. All you have to do is call us on 952.93.20.40 and ask for information.

The Law 43/2002, of November 20, of vegetal health, states the obligation of owners to treat their trees against plagues:

“Article 13. Obligations of individuals.

  1. It corresponds to the owners of exploitations or other surfaces with vegetation:
  2. Maintain their crop, plantations and harvest, and the forest masses and natural means in good and fit sanitary condition in defence of their own plantations and others.
  3. Apply the obligatory fit sanitary measures stated when there is a plague.”

Should we see a plague in private areas and the owners do not treat them, due to the danger, we will be forced to report it to the Environment Department.