During the first months of the year, as usual, we focus our efforts on the fire prevention plan. We start by inspecting the green areas to identify the risks, then we inform about them to those responsible, owners and Town Hall. The green areas that are responsibility of the EUC are checked and they have been adequately cleaned during the months of April/May.
- Zarzas / Brambles
- Revisión de zonas verdes /Green area review
- Retirada de residuos / Rubbish removal
- Zona verde antes de su limpieza / Green area before clearing
- Máquina trituradora / shredding machine
- Desbroce con operario EUC / Clearing shrubbs with EUC staff
- Máquina trituradora / shredding machine
- árboles secos / dry trees
- Zona verde / green area
Other works carried out have been the following:
1.- Painting an tidying up the islands at the main entrance, by the taxi area, Avda. de España on the East side and surrounding areas.
- Isleta con pintura deteriorada / Island with deteriorated paint
- Pintura acera /Pavement paint
- zona iglesia antes-barabdilla rota / broken fence by the Church – before
- zona iglesia después-reparada / Fence by the Church – after
2.- Lighting improvement on the round-about and island at the entrance:
- Nuevos focos rotonda principal / New lights at the main entrance round-about
- Limpieza isleta entrada / Cleaning of the island at the main entrance
3.- Repair of some damage caused in the parks.
- Columpio roto / Broken swing
- vandalismo / vandalism
4.- Pine tree pruning.
- Pino / Pine tree
- Pino con mucha broza seca / Pine tree with many dry branches
- Pino con poda / Pruned pine tree