Works in January-February 2022

Some of the most relevant works carried out in January and February 2022 have been the following:

1.- On calle José de Orbaneja, the asphalt on the side has been milled down so that the curbstone is higher to avoid floodings.

2.- We have purchased another informative radar. On this ocassion it has been installed on calle José de Orbaneja at a point where we have noticed some speeding.

With the aim of improving road safety in mainly urban or interurban areas, these informative radars allow to control the speed and traffic flow of vehicles in areas with a considerable amount of pedestrians and where the speed is limited. Their purpose is not punitive but preventive.

3.- The drain in calle Viera was completely blocked with roots. We have replaced the pipe to avoid floods in the future to the nearby properties.

4.- Parque España: Important maintenance and convservation works have been carried out. Painting and pruning.

5.- Parque de Calahonda (by the garden center): Works have also been carried out in this park. We have installed new swings and done some pruning jobs. We have also done some maintenance works on the plants on the passageway to Jardines de calahonda.

6.- Miscellaneous: As well as the usual daily and weekly jobs, some odd jobs arise that need to be taken care of quickly. Some examples in the photos below: Cutting back a hedge, repairing the calle Artoni sign and repairing the garden rubbish container on calle Triana.