Works from June to August 2023

During these last months and taking into account that we are ending the month of August, we can categorically say that the most notable issue has been the amount of rubbish that has been generated in Sitio de Calahonda, although this would not be a problem if it were left in the appropriate places, both garden rubbish and domestic rubbish, bags, plastic, glass, furniture, etc… have been appearing in any area, we could say that our work has been dedicated almost exclusively to trying to keep the urbanisation clean, which is sometimes very difficult to achieve.


However, here we list some of the jobs carried out or that are currently being carried out, such as the pruning of palm trees, in common areas:


1.- The rubbish collection is not our responsibility, but if we want our streets not to be filled with rubbish, we have to be vigilant and notify the Town Hall or the garden refuse collection company, as many times as necessary for them to clear everything thrown away. We have to say that many of the problems are due to the prevailing incivility, bags are left on the ground, in the litter bins, in places where they are not collected, building rubble, etc… We ask the residents that if they see any of these practices please call the office 952932040 or the security guards 695223964. Thank you.

2.- We fear that the drought is affecting the trees in the urbanisation and we have had some branches breaking and falling and even entire trees, proceeding to their removal.

3.- We have continued to clear other areas, such as Av. Europa and strips near dwellings.

4.- Other works worth mentioning have been: changing the flags, building a planter on the corner of calle Almería, clearing and cleaning the area by the hermitage.

5.- Currently, we are pruning the palm trees, the taller ones are done by an external company and the smaller ones by our own staff.